Nonverbal communication: understanding yourself and others (Week 8)

Nonverbal Communication

Communicating by the means of gestures, facial expressions, touch, body positioning and eye contact are part of nonverbal communication (Paunescu 2014). Human being are social creatures and require other fellow human company to survive which is not possible without communicating with each other. Communicating by touching and body positioning was how our very first ancestors communicated. It is the language that humans have been using from the very early days of our existence and which is still in practice.

Fig: Gestures Expressing Emotions                                               source: Lancer (2011)

People speaks various languages around the globe. For instance Papua-New Guinea which has a population of just 3.9 million is estimated to have 832 languages spoken (Anderson 2012). Non-verbal language is common to people everywhere although the details may vary from culture to culture. Common signs expressing emotions can be used by people. In-fact communicating in a broad sense simply mean expressing one’s own emotions (Paunescu 2014). There is a misconception about nonverbal language as old fashioned, unwanted and useless mediums for communicating. Some even think using old primitive way could stop our progress in developing ourselves. Communicating this way could help us to understand each other better especially when two speak different language. Reading someone’s body language, personality, facial expressions is easy as they possess the same meaning no matter where you are from because we are born with it and we do not require additional skill to learn it. It is even seen that non verbal gestures and signals actually increases trust, clarity and develops interest in the listener (Drucker 2015). Do not hesitate to use gestures and signals. Add it to your normal communicating technique and present yourself more impressively.


Anderson, S 2012, How many languages are there in the world, viewed 18th May 2015,

Drucker, P 2015, The importance of non-verbal communication, viewed 19th May 2015,

Lancer, B 2011, Positive parenting wisdom, viewed 18th May 2015,

Paunescu, A, & Indreica, E 2014,’ Use of the non-verval communication in preschoolers emotional development’, Journal Plus Education / Educatia PLus, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 283-292.

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